It's so hard to believe she's almost 15. I'm so grateful that she's so healthy. I sure would like to take her camping once this year - she deserves it.
Please consider adopting an adult dog. We adopted Albi from a shelter. She's been MUCH cheaper than therapy!
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Later, met a cute German biker dude at the B & B where I stayed. The next a.m., I saw him at breakfast & we exchanged business cards.
And then what?

To celebrate our 10th anniversary of meeting, we finally visited St. Joseph's winery, just outside of Canby. It's adorable - and really good wines. The owner seemed impressed that we had been to Hungary, where he is from. I'm really embarrassed that it took us almost two years to finally go!
Afterwards, we went to the tool section of Sears, and then the cosmetic section of Macy's. Can you guess which of us need to go where?
Which reminds me: go to Google.com. Search for cute biker guy. Note item #3.
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I try to figure out why.
I look through the person's other favorited photos. All are of women, some in provocative poses, some not at all, some total babes, some dumpy and middle aged like me.
And then it dawns on me: all of the women and girls have socks on, but no shoes.
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I want this license plate for myself. Note who shared it...
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Your grandchildren will ask you in 2081: "Why was there a debate on gay marriage?" You'll respond: "Because people were idiots. Go enjoy your date with the robot." More at this hilarious daily blog.
Michele Bachmann says God killed all those people with the Hurricane, and causes that recent Earthquake, to get our attention. Wow, so that's how God works? Fascinating. And I just want to say again: I LOVE BEING AN ATHEIST.
Republican Rep/Tea Party member Chip Cravaack of Minnesota, last seen quivering in fear and spewing out blatant falsehoods about Pell Grants. His earned income for fiscal year 2010 topped out at $92,273: disability payments for sleep apnea, which ended his flying career with Northwest Airlines, now Delta Airlines, in 2007 (yes, he was in the UNION). More here.
Rick Perry wants to the USA to go back to Biblical principles. Really? Like encouraging a mob to gang rape your daughters (Gen 19:8)? Or to kill your daughter as a sacrifice because God gave you a victory? (Judges 11:34-40) Or to slaughter every man, woman & child in a village our country invades (Deut. 7.1-2; 20.16-18)? Or to stone to death anyone working on a Sunday? (Numbers 15:32-36) THOSE Biblical Principles? Well, I guess that's better than... SHARIA LAW.
International Law Expert Chuck Norris Is (Shockingly) Wrong About UN Arms Treaty. What a doofus.
Two American citizens apparently started the largest fire in Arizona's history. John McCain will retract statement about the fire being started by illegal immigrants as soon as he remembers he made it.
Remember how Florida Governor Rick Scott claimed drug testing welfare applicants would save millions? So far, only 2% have tested positive, saving $60,000 each year at total cost of $178-million annually.
Two American citizens apparently started the largest fire in Arizona's history. John McCain will retract statement about the fire being started by illegal immigrants as soon as he remembers he made it.
Remember how Florida Governor Rick Scott claimed drug testing welfare applicants would save millions? So far, only 2% have tested positive, saving $60,000 each year at total cost of $178-million annually.
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